Would You Like to Use 410-POT-LADY?

The Power of Vanity Phone Numbers is REAL! Would you like to use 410-POT-LADY for your business? We are offering a very affordable, easy way to boost your Marketing and Advertising ROI.

  • In a recent study, 72% of people correctly recalled vanity numbers after hearing a 30 second advertisement. That same advertisement with a numeric number’s recall rate? It was only 5%.
  • Vanity numbers aren’t just easier to remember, though. Over half (58%) of consumers prefer to dial a vanity number vs. a numeric one to reach a business.
  • In fact, advertisers can expect an 84% improvement in recall rates for a vanity number vs. a numeric telephone number when shown in visual media such as Social Media, Roadside Signs, TV, Billboards, and Print.
  • About three-quarters of billboard advertising, and almost one-quarter of expensive television advertising will integrate a vanity phone number.
  • Tests have been conducted to find that ads with vanity numbers outperform those with generic numbers by 33%.

Easy as One, Two, Three

  1. Pick a cluster of zip codes near your business’ location.
  2. Bid on your monthly payment. Beginning bids are based on population.
  3. When a customer dials 410-POT-LADY they will automatically be forwarded to your phone number based on the zip codes you have leased.

Please Choose a Region


DC Metro

Southern Maryland

Central Maryland


Northeast Maryland

Bayside Eastern Shore

Oceanside Eastern Shore

Baltimore City and Suburbs


Northeast Maryland

Western Maryland

Panhandle (northwest)
